The Sacred Fire Community: Taking a Stand for the Planet

by Gwen Broz, D.O, and Marakame in the Huichol Tradition.

Gwen Broz

Editor’s note: Our Alternatives 2012 psychiatric survivor community is working on the same thing as the Sacred Fire Community but from slightly different angle: When people come awake and alive, sometimes it hurts and they can get sidetracked away from the necessary personal and spiritual transformation.

Listen to this awesome webinar from The Sacred Fire Community:

Recently Eliot Cowan, author of Plant Spirit Medicine, gave a talk on taking a stand for our planet and why this is so important for our continued existence. Eliot is a

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The Sacred Now, and the Scared, Scarred Mind

The Sacred Now: The Passover Traditional Meal (Seder)

Have you ever experienced a moment when your mind was quiet. still, and had nothing to say?  Have you ever noticed that your mind pictures what’s coming as far worse than it turns out to be?  And have you ever realized that your mind is truly boring and repetitive and drives you nuts?

Welcome to the growing realization that the Mind has outgrown it’s place in a balanced world.  Without the mind, we are present in the Sacred Now.  We can directly experience the world as it is being created, and directly

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I feel my anger to prevent victimization

by Gwen

To feel my anger, I have to allow myself to truly experience the emotion:

After years of not feeling our emotions what happens?

Before I learned to feel my anger, I was trying become more enlightened, and a better person by not getting angry. Instead I said things I didn’t mean to say. And my emotions leaked out when I least expected. Sometimes, I said the exact opposite of what I wanted to say. And worse yet, sometimes I said things I didn’t even remember.

I was downright cruel at times.

How I learned to feel my anger

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Gwen Broz – How to really feel emotions like anger

My mom with her husband, Tim. My mom is in her marakame or shaman outfit. part of her training was learning how to feel emotions like anger.

How to feel emotions like anger that can build up in our bodies and minds.

My mom is a shaman, specifically a Marakame according to the Huichol Indigenous  tradition from Mexico. She is also a medical doctor, a family practitioner. Both programs involved about 12 years of training and about the same amount of time commitment.  When I was in the depths of the mental health system, and on six psychiatric medications,

Continue reading Gwen Broz – How to really feel emotions like anger

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